A letter to Dinta

Dear Dinta.

Dinta it’s been long we last saw each other.I miss those bass voice of yours,those smiles that extends to the ends of your cheeks or is it your as of then tiny legs you use skillfully in playing football. I remembered you told me how much you loved Shade and your future plans towards her well.

Dinta poem

Shade is now all grown. Look I know papa was wrong in choosing a career for you but that’s not enough reason to leave home it’s been 5years since you left and you know home is never home without you.

Remember aunty Kele well, she is married with kids now and guess what, she decided to name her first child after you. I know you never liked your English name which is still weird but hey Michael looks good on aunty Kele’s son.

Ever since you left Shade has decided to stay single in the hope of silently waiting for your return. Oh poor Shade!She will be inducted next month as a practicing nurse.

You know, your piece of advice to her on nursing really paid her I guess it was because it was you that did the persuading. I remember her mom persuading her on how good nursing is but she will keenly refuse and say radiography is what I like but surprisingly you talked to her once and she listened POWER OF LOVE!

Papa still says “I don’t care if Dinta comes back or not afterall he is a grown man he should be able to fend for himself”and at night we hear Papa pleading and silently crying for your safety and return.

This words never leaves his lips at night”God protect that boy wherever he is”you know how funny papa sounds when he uses that igbotic accent I stylishly smile half way whenever he says that.

Let’s talk about mama you know mama too well she has been restless ever since she heard the news during the first two weeks of your disappearance mama would starve herself till evening and when papa and I will complain she will say she is fasting for your return well,she never stopped doing that.

Dinta, all these amazing people awaits your return. Put Shade into consideration. My introduction will be coming soon and you know how I will like for you to be present just know it’s not going to happen without you being present.

Dinta pls come home.

Yours faithfully little Adanna.

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